
Fuel Your Mind Friday

Brendan Barca - Entrepreneur | Speaker | Blogger

Helping busy professionals create space through mindfulness, level-up their mindset & design a life with purpose.

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Choose Your Direction, Not Your Destination

Week 397 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- CHOOSE YOUR DIRECTION, NOT YOUR DESTINATION If you don't know where you're going, how are you going to get there? Recently, I grabbed coffee with a friend who...

about 4 hours ago • 2 min read

Week 396 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- THE COLONEL SANDERS APPROACH: SMALL STEPS, BIG RESULTS “It's better to go slowly in the right direction than to go speeding off in the wrong direction." - Simon...

7 days ago • 2 min read

Week 395 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- RETURN ON LUCK - WHAT IT IS AND HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE "Luck does not cause greatness. But return on luck is a gigantic swing variable. What will you do with the...

14 days ago • 3 min read

Week 394 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION THROUGH ELIMINATION We spend much of our life trying to optimize our present condition by adding more of the things we want into...

21 days ago • 2 min read

Week 393 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- SHARPEN YOUR FOCUS, WORK LESS, & ACCOMPLISH MORE In America, we've been bred to accept the 40-hour workweek as the norm. But where did this arbitrary number...

28 days ago • 3 min read

Week 392 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- 4 BUSINESS LESSONS LEARNED FROM A MEXICAN STREET VENDOR Last year my wife and I lived in the Roma Norte neighborhood of Mexico City. One of the things that's...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

Week 391 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- HOW TO INCREASE THE VELOCITY TOWARDS YOUR BIG GOALS "If you have a 10-year plan of how to get [somewhere], you should ask: Why can't you do this in 6-months?" -...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Week 390 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- HOW TO OVERCOME FUTURE-FOCUSED ANXIETY Four years ago I found myself at the helm of a rapidly growing business. After years of struggling to try to make money...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Week 389 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- THE REVERSE RISK ASSESSMENT "That sounds like a little bit risky." This is a phrase I heard several times back in 2018 when I started telling people that I...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Week 388 ( Here's your weekly dose of Fuel Your Mind Friday where I share business building ideas, lifestyle design hacks, and inspirational content to help you thrive in your work and find purpose in your life. --- PSA: My wife, Pema Sherpa, and I have another blog called The Mindful Minute! Check it out. --- DON'T JUST DO SOMETHING, SIT THERE! Ten years ago, at the start of 2014, I found myself in my first sales job. My daily responsibilities included: 60 cold calls...

2 months ago • 2 min read
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